On-demand Congress

On-demand Congress
In addition this year, after the congress, all lectures will be available on-demand for those who could not attend in person. You can register for the on-demand congress via the link on this page. 
Please note that on-demand access to all lectures will be available 2 weeks AFTER the congress and on-demand access remains available till 31 August 2024 . All lectures will be recorded during the congress in Nantes. As on-demand congress participants you are able to view all lectures AFTER the congress, so you cannot participate live in discussions or Q and A. 

Registration on-demand Congress
In order to register for the Congress please register online and be sure to submit your registration. Registration is valid on receipt of payment that must be submitted at the same time. Payments can be made by secured online credit card payment. Upon receipt of your completed registration form and payment, you will receive a written confirmation or an e-mail of your registration.

The on-demand registration fee for all participants includes
- Online PDF of the proceedings
- On-demand access to all lectures 2 weeks AFTER the congress. On-demand access remains available till 31 August 2024. 

Click here to register for the on-demand congress!