Dr Šparaš Luka

Dr Šparaš Luka

Veterinary Surgeon

  • Graduation from University of Ljubljana, Veterinary Faculty of Ljubljana, Slovenia 01.12/2020
  • Veterinary license to practice veterinary medicine in Germany
  • 01/2023 onwards: Fortnightly attending as well as presenting different topics in Journal Club with other EVDC residents
  • 13-17/03/2023: Halmstad, Sweden. Accesia academy: Dentistry III workshop
  • 13-15/04/2023: Portorož, Slovenia. XXXIV SZVMŽ symposium. (Section of veterinarians in small animal practice)
  • 27/04/2023: Krakow, Poland. Crown preparation workshop (by Paul Theuns)
  • 28-29/04/2023: Krakow, Poland. 30th European veterinary dental forum
  • 02/06/2023: Zürich, Switzerland. Seminar and workshop: CMF surgical Techniques using resorbable pins and plates by Vet Welding
  • 27/11-1/12/2023: University of Veterinary medicine Hannover, Germany: Anesthesiology externship

Microbial contamination levels in water derived from dental unit waterlines