Veterinary Surgeon
Dr. Manfred Stoll Graduated 1990 Veterinary Medicine (DVM) at University of Veterinary Medicine Giessen
1991 Michigan State University, Lab Prof. Ed. Robinson
Dec. 1991 private practice (general equine)
2001 private Equine clinic with focus on dentistry
2005-2007 Developing a new extraction procedure: (Transbuccal Screw extraction acc. to Stoll)
Dec. 2007 AAEP Convention Orlando, Presentation: “How to perform a buccal approach for different dental procedures” including the Transbuccal Screw Extraction acc. to Stoll
2010 Coauthor in the Textbook, Equine dentistry: “Vogt, Lehrbuch der Zahnheilkunde beim Pferd“
2010 Horse dental practitioner acc. IGFP (International Association for improvement of the masticatory system of the horse)
2012 Specialist Veterinarian (LTK Hessen) Equine Dentistry
2014 Teaching facility (LTK Hessen) Equine Dentistry
2016 Diplomate EVDC (equine)
Main Tasks:
Endodontic and restorative dental therapy,
Minimally invasive dental surgery,
Options to treat oronasal and orosinus fistulas in horses
How does Sinusitis affect the White Blood Cell Level in Horses